The new corn has arrived, and it's incredibly clean, coming from a family farm in Georgia that's been passed down through generations!

In 2025, our focus is on Zero-Waste Products, which utilize all our fabric scraps. We've made many of these products in the past but never really concentrated on them.
Corn bags are ideal for soothing minor aches and pains and staying warm during the chilly winter days.
We use high-quality corn for our flannel bags, ensuring no sticks poke through the fabric!
This is the third corn bag I've tried this year. The first one was some kind of millet, which I gave to the neighbors for their deer stand! The second bag from a big box store was full of sticks, so it will be used as a door stopper!
This bag is perfect!
Corn retains heat well and provides moist heat, making it excellent for aches and pains. "Moist heat," as a nurse, I can say, "it's just what the doctor ordered!"
Each corn bag contains 2-3 pounds of corn.
Our corn bags are approximately 9x12" in size.

Corn bags are included in our Zero-Waste Product line, designed to make every home both eco-friendly and comfortable.