Our most versatile product ever! The reusable paper towels are commonly used for the many purposes. Customers love coming back and telling us how they use them!
Utilized as dinner napkins and placemats. Based on usage, clean them weekly.
Coffee cup rug. When folded into quarters, it is the ideal size to hold your coffee and safeguard the furniture.
Shine the sink, after drying your hands, hang on faucet, and it'll last all week. Will NOT sour.
Buy a roll of mixed prints and gift them away to multiple people!
Dust the car console.
Baby burp cloth
Coffee filter
Pad for Swiffer for mopping floors.
As homemade dryer sheets, soak in liquid fabric softener, hang to dry, use for up to 5 different dryer loads.
Baby wipes for quick pickup
A must for painting helper. Wet them and quickly wipe up spills even in small cracks.
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